What is social health nursing?

Nurses in social care have distinct expertise. They use their clinical skills to understand the variety of needs of patients, and also deliver relationship-centred support. They recognise the importance of giving each individual a sense of security, purpose, achievement and significance.Social nursing is based on years of experience with marginalised persons. An experience that allows nurses to build a good appreciation of socially marginalised persons' complex life circumstances.

Knowledge of the social factors responsible for sickness can be fed into the support provided in preventative and curative health care. And awareness of differences in illness behaviour, especially by gender, class and ethnicity, makes health care more culturally sensitive.

While doctors, nurses, specialists and more are all crucial to supporting the physical needs of a patient, the medical social worker assists behind the scenes with patients and families to ensure they have the resources they need to heal, as well as addressing their emotional and psychosocial needs.


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